Why Network Security Is Important

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There is no question that technology has advanced in ways that many deemed unpredictable and almost impossible. We now live in a world where technology has changed how we interact with everything that we do. From taking pictures to sending emails, everything is so based on technology.

It is important to understand that if you are a small business owner that you will have to adjust to the new world of technology. Small businesses owners are quickly moving to try and have websites and blogs to drive traffic to their product and business. However, many small business owners often overlook how important it is to have strong network security.

When you need to focus on network security, you also need to focus on everything that revolves around network security. This includes IT consulting, IT outsourcing, IT services, and IT solutions. Having a reliable IT staff is going to be essential for you and your network security. Here is what you need to know about keeping your network secure and protecting your business.

Right now, search engine optimization leads have a 14.6% close rate, while outbound leads have a close rate that is under 2%. The biggest challenge that a lot of internet marketers will have to deal with in terms of creating leads is generating high-quality leads. This is not easy and it is one of the many reasons why it important for your business to sit down and get the best possible network security available.

Over half of all organic clicks will lead to the organic top three search results. Nearly 50% of all searches done on smartphones are conducted in hopes that they will find local results, and just about 61% of all local results lead to a purchase. People love to have search results that end up being close to them.

Every single year Google will work to change its search algorithm anywhere between 500 and 600 times. This is amazing to think that even Google works so hard to maintain their network security. A lot of companies that focus on blogging are able to easily generate 67% more leads as opposed to companies that do not have blogs. Blogging even helps to increase web traffic by nearly 55% for all brands that get engaged with blogging.

Less than half of all people believe that the design of a website is the number one piece of criteria that they use for determining the credibility of a company. However, this is not the only focus that comes along with placing priority upon network security. Instead, you have to focus on so many different areas when trying to maintain network security and that is why you should bring in the experts to help you.

Almost half of all data losses happened because end-users accidental detailed information, just about 17% of all data losses happened because users ended up overwriting data and 13% came from hackers deleting information. Nearly 20% of all small businesses are going to be hacked within the span of one year. Also, almost half of all businesses lost data in the cloud and had to restore their information from backups.

In Conclusion

There is no reason for you to not work hard and to not employ the right people to help you work to get the most for your network security. As a small business owner, or the CEO of a large corporation, you cannot afford to be in a situation in which you and your business is losing information. There are a lot of hackers that now enjoy trolling and hacking into business for information. Over the past decade, hackers have targeted Google and Amazon in attempts to try and get personal information. Protect your business, protect your customers, develop a strong sense of network security.