Cloud computing is growing rapidly as its advantages become apparent to businesses and agencies. Allowing large enterprises to store and retrieve information securely and easily, the global market for cloud communications is predicted to reach $79.1 billion by 2018. Cloud brokerage services help enterprises to transition to the cloud and to mange their cloud communications.
What are the advantages of cloud communications?
Cloud storage and communications improves integration across various branches of the business, especially between development and operations. A survey found that 59% of businesses use the cloud because it allows them easily and seamlessly share data across applications. The security and convenience offered by cloud storage and communications is the single most important reason for its rapid growth.
The demand for cloud-based security services is another important factor driving expansion and the market is projected to grow to $8.71 billion by 2019. Among reasons for using cloud services, the top reasons given were reliability, cited by 43% of users, followed by cost, which was cited by 28% of users, and the ability to integrate with existing infrastructure, which was the reason given by 27% of the users surveyed.
Public cloud, private cloud or hybrid?
With reliability, lower cost and ease of integration as the major factors driving the expansion of the cloud, many enterprises will face the choice of using the public or private cloud. Nearly half or 48% use a hybrid model. Public cloud storage and communications are typically less expensive and easier to manage. The International Data Corporation (IDC) has estimated that spending on the public cloud will more than double within four years, going from $40 billion in 2012 to $100 billion in 2016.
Why use a cloud brokerage service?
Cloud consultants can help your business make the transition to cloud storage and communications. Once the transition is complete, a cloud services broker can continue to ensure advanced security and compliance.
With the manifest advantages of the cloud computing model, more than half or 52% of organizations have already updated their cloud services or plan to do so within the next year. This decision is made at the highest levels of management, and as many as 70% of CIO or top IT executives directly handle cloud purchase processes.
The future of cloud computing
To use a rather mixed metaphor, the future of cloud computing is bright. The government expects to reduce infrastructure expenditure by a whopping 30% by using cloud computing for IT services. And more and more organizations are preparing their employees for cloud computing, with 80% of organizations already having created or planning to create governance policies for cloud communications and storage. And 49% or nearly half of all companies are developing IT security talent and investing in increased training for the cloud.
At the present time, around 35% of all IT services already being delivered totally, or partially, by cloud computing. With all the advantages of increased security, lower costs and greater integration and accessibility of data, the popularity of cloud communications is projected to grow rapidly.