Sometimes the technology that is such a big part of our life goes goes completely unnoticed. Industrial computerized tomography (CT) scanning is one of those technologies that many people may have heard of, but few understand all of its uses. An industrial CT scanning machine uses a computer to take data from several X-ray images of structures, and converts them into pictures on a monitor. While many people think of using this technology for examining a human or animal body, it also has many other applications.
Industrial CT Scanning is used in all of the following fields:
- Aerospace
- Archeology
- Automotive
- Consumer Products
- Defense and Arms
- Energy and Electricity
- Engineered Products
- Forensics
- Geology
- Medical
CT technology was first invented in 1972 by the combined efforts of British engineer Godfrey Hounsfield of EMI Laboratories in England and the South African-born physicist Allan Cormack of Tufts University in Massachusetts. Hounsfield and Cormack were later awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for the contributions their discovery made to medicine and science.
The first clinical industrial CT scanning machines were installed between 1974 and 1976. The original systems were initially used for head imaging only, but “whole body” systems with larger patient openings were available by 1976. Following its initial use in the medical field, CT became widely available to other industries by 1980. Currently, there are approximately 6,000 CT scanners installed in the U.S. and approximately 30,000 installed worldwide.
Industrial 3d scanner services are now a part of nearly every manufacturing industry, as well as travel security measures across the world. As x-ray inspection services continue to progress, more and more industries find use for this non destructive testing.
To discover how an individual company or industry might use this technology, CT manufacturers perform an initial review, as well as a custom feasibility study to understand specific inspection requirements. In an attempt to provide the most cost effective solution, a CT company can help clients determine the proper CT scanning system for each project or job.
Most industries decide to outsource their CT scanning needs to companies that provide extremely competitive pricing at secure facilities across the country. Since part size is not an issue, industrial CT scanners can examine parts as small as .5mm in length, as well as parts as large as 660mm in diameter and 1m in length. The ability to digitally x-ray such varied sizes makes hiring a CT scanning company to test the integrity and specifications of any part a viable option for companies who cannot invest in their own equipment.
Whether your company wants to use CT scanning technologies for reverse engineering services during your product development stage, or your hospital wants to expand its CT scanning services, it is likely that an industrial CT scanning company can meet your needs.