Often times, customer representatives at certain businesses have tendencies to rub customers and clients the wrong way. For all businesses, it is important to keep in mind the value of positive and knowledgable representatives speaking to customers of any company as part of a professional answering service.
While many may believe that customer service is to become obsolete during the rise of technology, the opposite really is the case. Within the next ten years, there is an expected increase of around 13% in the customer service industry, including professional answering service work . Close to 25,000 individuals are employed in the U.S. Telecommunications Industry, and over two million employees are employed in the general customer service industry. The professional answering service industry itself is currently worth billions, and therefore should be expected to properly deliver in many ways.
While a number of employees for many companies are rarely free to interact directly with customers, it is important that those working with speaking to customers maintain a positive attitude, as well as are able to successfully communicate about certain products. Answering services generally exist to help handle customer concerns and questions. Those with a 24/7 professional answering service should be sure that at all times, informative individuals are available to meet the needs of customers. Customers can also feel well accommodated through a 24 hour answering service.
Given the number of functioning answering services the country has to offer and the economic influence of the industry as a whole, it is especially important that a quality professional answering service is always present. Often times, the quality of such service determines whether or not customers continue investing in certain companies. Out of Americans surveyed, a majority of them noted revoking intended purchases from companies due to poor customer service. Obviously as a result, in most cases companies that take their customers’ happiness into account make much better business with customers overall. Positive first impressions really do matter in these situations, since studies have shown that customers are much quicker to recount poor service than good and helpful service. From a large to a small business answering service, customer satisfaction is crucial. Virtual receptionist services as well are quite common, and should be taken as seriously as any live phone answering service.
Being involved in a professional answering service, therefore, requires work and effort, and proper training should be sought after and required of all individuals present within customer service.