It has been estimated that more than 93% of all internet experiences are started with a search engine search. Experts also say that more than 82% of internet users look to search engines when they are looking for local businesses for a variety of goods and services. Working good search engine optimization (SEO) techniques is critical to the success of your business and brand. To create a more SEO friendly website design, you should follow these tips.
- Create a mobile friendly website design . It has been estimated that at least 10% of all internet traffic around the world is from mobile devices. Making your website look good and load quickly on mobile devices is the single best thing you can to to boost your sites SEO rankings and is the best way to create a more SEO friendly website design. Google has estimated that 30% of the searches made with them for restaurants are made from mobile devices. This is crucial to the success of any web design.
- Include your social media efforts in your website. This means you should use your keywords in your social media posts. It also means that you should link your website to all of your social media accounts. The icons for your Twitter feed, Facebook page, Snap Chat and LinkedIn should all be included in your SEO SEO friendly website design. This can do a lot to bump your website up in search engine search results.
- Use your keywords everywhere. Some companies are great when it comes to using their keywords in their content but then they stop using them. When you are looking at how to optimize a website, you need to think about putting your keywords in the post titles, in your title tag, your tag lines or slogans, navigation, bullet points, etc. You should include your keywords in your image descriptions and captions. Search engine spiders cannot index images, they need text to look at. Keep that in mind when you are working on your SEO friendly website design.
- Design your website to look good on all browsers. People have multiple options when it comes to accessing the internet. You need you web design to take that into consideration. You want to cast as wide a net as possible and make your website accessible to as many people as you can. If people who use one browser cannot access your site or if it does not look good, they will judge your business accordingly. Many people admit that they judge a business’s professionalism on how they find their website.
- Your site needs to load quickly. People do not give a website a long amount of time. It has been estimated that if a website takes more than three seconds to load, people give up on it and go to a different site. That is an incredibly short amount of time. Work with your web development team to create a website design that loads quickly.
- Pay attention to your URL. When you are working to create an SEO friendly website design, it all really starts with the URL. That means you should use your keywords in your URL. When you have multiple words in a keyword phrase, they should be separated by hyphens and not underscores in the URL. Just keep this is mind when you are naming the pages of your site.
- Limit your use of Flash. If you use too much Flash, you will make it harder for search engines to index your site. The spiders that are sent out by search engines have a hard time processing Flash. In fact, Flash does nothing for your SEO efforts. This does not mean that you should not have any flash on your website but that relying on it too much can hurt your SEO performance. Website visitors can also find too much Flash to be distracting. If you are going to include Flash elements on your website, remember that less is more.
Creating a more SEO friendly web design is an important part of your branding efforts. This is something you will have to always tweak and work on, it is a process not a final destination.