Sometimes it is good to revisit the basics. Even when working with the most current internet marketing services, it is still important to remember the basic elements of what makes information important to any given audience.
- Timeliness A marketing company that creates organic content about the back to school process in the months of July, August, and September, rather than in February, is capitalizing on the element of timeliness.
- Proximity This element has to do with how near an event is to an audience. A minor housing shortage in your community is more important than a major housing shortage in a community 500 miles away. Emphasizing local statistics might draw the reader into national statistics that are more difficult to comprehend but can underscore the need for hiring the best heating and air conditioning contractor.
- Prominence This one may be a little hard to handle, but some people really are more important than others. If, for example, the star quarterback of a professional football team fails a drug test and is ineligible for the big game, this is more important than an unknown person failing the same kind of test. If your marketing team can explain how your client’s law services can help an important sports or movie star, you might be able to convince the average public that they should hire the same attorneys.
- Consequence An example of how big an impact something has on a certain individual or group is similar to explaining the effect big rig accidents have on interstate and highway deaths. By making potential users realize the consequence of large companies not following the law for limiting the number of hours a driver can be on the road, can make that same user realize that company should be held accountable and responsible for the death of a spouse or another family member.
- Conflict Opening an article about divorce attorneys with a story of a former husband and wive fighting over who will win custody of their children uses conflict to draw the reader into a marketing campaign for a local family law firm.
The best internet marketing services stay current on recent trends about what is attracting today’s user to the 27 million pieces of content shared each day. A marketing agency will know, for example, that according to a 2013 issue of NewsCred articles with images get 94% more views than those without. These same internet marketing services will also follow the most recent search engine optimization tips and search engine optimization tools. At the same time they are investigating the most recent research on social media marketing, they are also relying on the most basic elements of what makes content important to the reader.
What is your company doing to get its share of the 12 billion searches per month on the web in the U.S.?