If a company needs to conduct any kind of particle size analysis, they have a number of options at their disposal. Over the past two decades, laser diffraction has emerged as the predominant method for conducting this kind of analysis an is now one of the most widely used methods. The reason that using laser diffraction experiment has replaced using other methods to conduct particle analysis, such as sedimentation and sieving, is that it can look at particles that range from about 0.5 mn up to those that measure up to a few millimeters.
How does laser diffraction analysis work?
The basic principles behind laser diffraction testing is simple. The laser diffraction experiment looks at the size of particles by evaluating the light that is scattered as a laser beam is sent through a particle sample that has been dispersed. The variation in the angle of the light that is scattered can tell a lot about that sample. There is a inverse relation between the angle that is produced and the size of the particle. Smaller particles will scatter light at much larger angles than larger particles will. The data from this scattering ca be used to determine the size of the particles in the sample.
Why use laser diffraction experiment?
- A smaller sample size can be analyzed. Because the particles themselves interact with light directly and can show different scattering patterns. A large amount of material is not needed to conduct this kind of analysis. Researchers are limited only by the length of time that will be needed to conduct the testing. A laser diffraction particle size analyzer can be used with larger samples but it is not needed. This is a versatile method for doing these kinds of tests.
- The testing can be done quicker. When materials need to be tested, that process often needs to happen rapidly. It only takes about 15 seconds for most laser diffraction experiment to process 10 grams of material. The ability to conduct an analysis in real time is a real benefit for most applications. The results of the testing can be made available immediately. While the few minutes that it takes to conduct sieve testing may not seem like a long time, it adds up. The whole process when doing laser diffraction testing is much more efficient.
- The results can be duplicated. The results that have been achieved from using laser diffraction experiment can be duplicated. It is much more easy to repeat the testing when you use laser diffraction techniques to analyze a a sample. The only variations that are seen with this kind of analysis are from human error.
- The reports can be customized. Reports from the use of laser diffraction experiment to run an analysis on a sample, the results can be translated into very customized and placed into the desired statistical format. Certain data parameters can be set to only give the results that are needed for the kind of testing that is being done. The customization can be helpful when you are only looking for particles within a set range and can help create reports that are succinct.
- There is much less maintenance with laser diffraction experiment. One of the reasons so many people consider this to be the best analysis method is that it is so cost effective. The only real maintenance that is required on laser diffraction experiment is the use of inexpensive window cleaner. Sometimes, it is necessary to replace the glass. If a dry dispersion system is being employed, it is necessary to keep an eye on the vacuum bag. Regularly changing that out will make the system work better. It is also a good idea to brush off the laser diffraction experiment between tests. Other than that, these systems are quick and easy to maintain.
- The sample can be effectively contained. The sample is loaded into an area with a vacuum bag. This system allows the sample to be collected and disposed of very easily and efficiently after the particle size distribution testing has been completed.. This is also a compact system and can be conducted in an enclosure or under a hood.
For any businesses where particle size determination analysis is needed, laser diffraction testing can be really helpful.