Marketing is a large and an important part of any successful business. If you think of every successful brand that you have heard of, you can probably also pinpoint a few of their marketing strategies. These marketing strategies might be mailings, television commercials, advertising slogans or characters that remind you of the brand. There are a variety of ways that an ad agency might market a company, branding their business to encourage customers to remember them. The marketing campaign is very important to customer retention, new customer accrual and to brand recognition. Choosing the right advertising firm can depend on a variety of factors, many of which depend on the demographics and the type of business that is done.
Currently, companies have spent, on average, 25% of total marketing budgets on digital in 2014. But that figure is projected to jump to 75% within the next 5 years. The internet and social media is quickly becoming a necessary marketing tool for businesses if they want to reach new customers. Generations are now growing up with the internet at their hands. This means they are constantly visiting sites and webpages that are providing them with marketing materials. They are constantly seeing branding and advertisements from a multitude of companies. Any company that wants to continue to be successful in the coming years must have an ad agency that is familiar with this type of marketing. A marketing agency that is stuck in the old ways, and does not make the necessary steps to move forward with the trends will find their company and their marketing campaigns declining.
Simply being aware of the strong internet presence is not enough for a successful marketing campaign. Advertising firms who simply throw information out to the internet will also not find their ads to be successful. A knowledgeable ad agency will understand the best ways to get this information to the internet shoppers. They will know how to grab their attention, despite all of the other advertisements. Asked to name their number one challenge, 15% of digital marketers said meeting expectations of the always connected customer, 14% chose executing consistent campaigns that drive desired business outcomes (i.e. leads or revenue) and 13% cited the proliferation of channels across paid, owned and earned media.
A strong ad agency will also find other ways to successfully target potential customers. Although the internet is very popular in today?s world, other things such as E-mail and texting are also important. Ad agencies who are able to reach their customers with E-mail or texting will find a whole new customer and brand new marketing opportunities. Only 8% of companies have an E-mail marketing team, despite the fact that it is often rated as the platform that delivers the highest ROI (return on investment) of any digital marketing tactic. Many customers do not see E-mail advertising as a form of intruding into their privacy. They have the option to choose which E-mails they want to receive and they can open or ignore an E-mail from a company.
In a time when the internet and social media are overpowering customers, successful businesses need to ensure they are following the correct marketing trends to reach these customers. They need to ensure they are working with the right advertising agencies, ones that are also aware of these changes and are fully prepared to guide their marketing campaign around these potential customers. Companies that refuse to change or is not qualified or knowledgeable enough to transform their marketing directives towards these markets may find that many of their campaigns are unsuccessful. Companies should put a lot of thought into choosing the right marketing agency for the success of their business.