Today’s life sciences industry is changing at a rapid pace, so professionals need to be ready to create this progression. And to get the right candidates into these crucial roles. If you are a life sciences recruiting professional, it’s important to know what to look for in professional candidates. Since 71% of survey respondents reported having a shortage of candidates in their sectors for 2014, it’s time to reverse this trend. The following are some of the most important qualities that life science recruiters can look for in 2018.
Today’s life sciences professionals need to have the ability to create new, cutting-edge solutions to a variety of problems. Whether they are working in food production jobs or blow molding companies, it’s still important for them to have an eye for change and progress. This will make them a valuable asset to companies and society.
Since the industry is changing so quickly, a professional might have to learn new skills constantly. This requires significant flexibility, as they will not know what direction their career might be heading.
The future of life sciences is much more collaborative than individualistic. Many hospitals and lab facilities are converting to a team-based system, which requires the ability to work well in groups. This demand requires a specific type of candidate, especially because STEM fields were once very individually-focused.
Diverse Experience
Life sciences recruiting should also favor candidates with a wide range of past experiences, allowing them to bring a unique perspective to the field. There may also be a preference given to skills like bilingualism.
Life sciences professionals will benefit from a curious mind, allowing them to seek solutions to a wide range of problems. From medical research to food manufacturing jobs, there are endless avenues for curiosity and discovery.
In 2013 it took an average 6 days to fill a temp position, 8 days for contract, and 32 days for perm. But by keeping the right qualities in mind, you can find the best candidates for the job. As a life science recruiter, you have an important role in staffing the future, so be sure to take this search seriously.