If you manage or own a business, you know how important it is to keep your employee turnover as low as possible. That can be harder in today’s world than it was in the past. In fact, Millennials are now called the “Job Hopping Generation.” This is according to a poll put out in 2016 by Gallup. They found that at least 60% of all Millennial workers are open to taking new jobs at just about any time. The good news is that there are still things you can do to prevent people from wanting to leave your company. Experts in HR executive recruitment recommend the following tips:
- Start with the right workers. There is a reason so many businesses today rely on human resources consulting firms or will hire a professional job placement agency to find new hires. When you start with the right people working for you, you have a lower chance of losing them.
- Let people who are not working out go. This can be harder to do than you may think. It takes a lot of time and energy to hire someone and the last thing you may think would be good to prevent people from leaving is asking some to do just that. There are going to be times when, even if you have worked with an HR executive recruitment firm, you are going to find yourself with a worker who is not a great fit for your company. Keeping that person is bad for them and general morale.
- Make sure you have up to date benefits and compensation. The same benefits and pay that were great five years ago may not cut it today. If you think you can get away with not offering your people the same benefits and pay that your competitors offer, you will lose your people. You have to show the people who work for you that you understand how valuable they are to you. That will make a big difference in keeping them working for you and not going someplace else.
- Be more flexible. More and more workers are craving a better work/life balance. Having more flexibility in the workplace will make workers enjoy what they do more. It has been estimated that as many as 80% of all workers say that having more flexible work options makes them happier in their jobs and less likely to look elsewhere. This is especially true for working parents.
- Be good about offering feedback. This is not just a question of telling people they are doing a good job, say experts in HR executive recruitment. Studies show that when workers are given certain kinds of feedback, they report being happier at work. Here are some of the things workers want:
- A clear job description.
- The tools they will need to do their job.
- Feedback on their performance. This should be for good and poor work performance. Most people admit that they cannot fix a problem if they do not know it exists.
- Be diligent about work reviews. People want to know where they stand in terms of their jobs and the possibilities for advancement. If you neglect these things, your workers may take that to mean there are no options for advancement or that you do not really value the work they do for you. You will have a hard time gaining your employees’ loyalty if you scrimp on these things.
- Listen to your workers. Experts in HR executive recruitment say companies give some lip service to having all of their workers become active in decision making but not all business owners and managers really understand the importance of this. An engaged workforce is a happier and more productive workforce. People like to feel like they are part of something.
- Care about your employees’ happiness. This may seem new agey and touchie feelie but unhappy workers cost a lot to keep around. They do not work as hard. They do not work as well. They also do not stay around very long.
Part of building your brand depends on having good, loyal workers. HR executive recruitment experts like to remind business owners and managers that their workers are the face of the company. Keeping your workforce happy is very important to your bottom line.