The World’s Population Will Reach Nine Billion In Four Decades What Does This Mean For Business?

What is location intelligence

The world population is at seven billion strong and counting. How can we possibly keep track of such a massive and dynamic number? Location intelligence is one such way, a resource that combines geospatial analysis with search tools to better help follow the changes being made across the world. From harnessing the power of satellites to manipulation of imagery, countless industries stand to benefit from taking a closer eye on developments that could affect their customers or finances. How does location intelligence affect you? Look below and see.

What Can We Expect From Future Population Growth?

Projections are being made, updated and reworked on a constant basis to give us a better understanding of where the world will be over the coming years. It’s estimated the worldwide population will grow by 50%, perhaps even more, in just four decades or less. That means nine billion people by the time we reach 2050. This will have a noticeable effect on multiple industries and their ability to properly satisfy growing customer bases with shifting needs.

How Has The Population Changed Over The Past Century?

What contributes to increased population growth? Sociologists, anthropologists and historians have been pooling their unique knowledge together to better understand this phenomenon. A widely accepted conclusion is that of increased medical advances. More efficient surgical procedures, easily accessible vaccines and a higher standard of living have all contributed to increased lifespans across the world. The function of a geospatial information system will only grow from here.

What Can Satellites Do For Keeping Track Of The World’s Population?

One of the most powerful assets in location intelligence is that of satellites. Every GPS satellite can go around the world once every 12 hours, with each one traveling above our heads at an astonishing 7,000 miles per hour. Not only are satellites flexible devices that can be transported almost anywhere, they’re very accurate. A GPS receiver, for example, is able to determine the current time within 100 billionths of a second.

How Does Population Growth Affect Our Industries?

Location intelligence helps businesses and companies alike prepare for changes in demand. By the time 2030 arrives, not very far off, every 100 workers in Europe will have to support 40 people over the age of 65. Compare this to 2008, where it was closer to eight pensioners per 100 people in the workforce. Thanks to this research published by Eurostat, more businessowners than ever are able to prepare for the shift. While population growth can sound like a burgeoning difficulty, there are positives to be had, as well.

What About Increased Job Growth Alongside The Population Surge?

Did you know there will be an estimated four million big data jobs available over the next two or three years? Despite that, it’s estimated just a third of them will be successfully filled as per the needs of the company. Gartner, a research company dedicated to providing ongoing information for job prospects, sees both an upside and downside to the population surge we’re coming to expect. The Bureau Of Labor Statistics, as well, anticipates steady growth in jobs that require familiarity with location intelligence. This includes cartographers, geographers and programmers.

How Will We Benefit From Location Intelligence Going Forward?

The function of marketing analysis services and location intelligence will only get more prudent from here. With billions more people to keep track of over the coming decades and only so much time and resources to appeal to them all, you’ll want to use your tools wisely. The geospatial industry generated over $70 billion in revenue back in 2011. It also helped generate a stunning $1 trillion in revenue for the American economy alone. Should your business be struggling under the weight of increasing demand, location intelligence may help you dig through the clutter to find the answers you need to succeed.